Mind-body Therapies

Virtual Classes are delivered via the Events page, or through Membership (coming soon)

  • Tai Chi

    Basic elements of tai chi practice to create a sense of calm. A gentle form of exercise that builds strength and improves balance.

  • Qi Gong

    A gentle therapeutic exercise with an internal focus that is a moving meditation practice.

  • Yoga

    Restorative yoga and yoga nidra to slowly unwind fascia, release stored energies, resolve traumas, and improve sleep.

  • Meditation

    Practices meant to reduce distractions created by the mind to aid focus and concentration.

Mind-Body Practices

Online self-study programs, live streaming classes and events. Adding mind-body practices can increase the effectiveness of other services by helping you reduce stress. Regulating your nervous system to stay in the ‘rest and digest’ state is optimal for healing to occur.

Refer to our events page for live practice. Membership classes coming soon!