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Adrenal fatigue, otherwise known as HPA Axis Dysfunction

Chronic Pain | Insomnia | Headaches | Anxiety | Depression | Muscle Tension

What is it?

The proper term for ‘adrenal fatigue’ is HPA axis dysfunction. This refers to your body’s dysfunctional hormonal response to stress and associated recovery methods. Frequent symptoms include fatigue, pain, insulin resistance, anxiety, insomnia, chronic infections, and more.

Why do I have it?

By overusing the body’s stress response, we can decrease the resilience of the system. Our bodies were meant to respond to occasional stress. If we constantly use these resources, the natural adaptation to stress, whether real or perceived, can lead to dysfunction in our bodies.

What can I do about it?

The first step is to recognize what is causing your stress and learning how to regulate it using meditation, movement, and mindfulness. Then we use additional treatments such as acupuncture or nutrition to help restore proper body function.