Feel younger & restore sexual function

Hormone balance & improved function

Menopause | Andropause | Decreased Sexual Function | Resistant Weight Loss


Changing hormone levels can lead to hair loss, resistance to weight loss, insomnia, night sweats, headaches, and other related symptoms. We support this time using targeted nutrition and herbal formulas.

Graphic with symptoms of menopause and andropause


Lack of testosterone production also causes symptoms associated with aging. Address common complaints such as lack of focus, decreased motivation, low energy, and muscle loss.

Resistant Weight Loss

Improved hormone function using fasting and addressing underlying imbalances can restore body function that may improve overall system function. Food recommendations, supplements, and herbal formulas are used to enhance weight loss.

Decreased Sexual Function

People may suffer from decreased sex drive as hormone levels decline. We optimize function using proper diet and prescription herbal formulas that are highly customized to address underlying imbalances.